the Santa Train!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WOW, this was an experience! Our local Steam Train puts on a special Christmas train, I heard about this at work! So I decided to book Aimee and myself on it! I was a bit worried that it was going to be cancelled due to all the snow and ice, but no the train was running on time! Our departure time 3:00 pm! To be honest I wasn't expecting too much, just thought this would be different and a nice treat for Aimee!!! We really enjoyed the whole experience and when I asked Aimee if she would like to do this again next year!!! Oh yes please was her answer!!! So I didn't have to worry that she enjoyed it! For £8.00 each we had a lovely time and a lot better experience than going to one of the shops Santa's! Anyways on to the photos!
Aimee and myself were the only fools ... oh I mean passengers in the open carriage!! We were frozen but I think this all helped with the experience and I defiantly wouldn't of got some of the photos that I have!!!!
These carriages were so small that even I had to duck my head down when entering!

Like royalty, lol!!!! She even had the wave down to a tee, lol!!!

A nice profile shot that I got of Aimee as she was taking it all in!!!

Some of the very pretty scenery shots that I managed to capture!

A tradition that I started off once Aimee could write for herself was for Aimee to personally give a letter to Santa! So we had one all ready to give to Santa, when we got to our arrival area, the first thing we noticed was how WARM it was, lol!!! The elves sure took a lot of trouble to decorate the area, d'oh to me I forgot to take a photo of the inside of the warehouse all decked out!!! Each table had a beautiful Santa tea light holder, not lighting, and a Santa table number holder! A Christmas plate holding mince pies, cake and biscuits! We were also provided with hot drinks! There was a little pot holding crayons and some colouring sheets, even a sheet of paper to write your letter to Santa!
Aimee set off to write another letter!!! Fingers crossed she still asks for the same things, phew she did!!!

Time for a quick drink of Hot Chocolate, I am sure Aimee thought this was just for her, she LOVES her hot chocolate!

She coloured in the picture of Rudolph and decided to decorate her letter too!

Her letter!

I had taken photos of Aimee writing her original letter, but I love the atmosphere of these photos, so these shall be the ones I am going to use on my DDA book and a layout!
Aimee decided that she would post her original letter to Santa (just in case) and hand him the one she just wrote!

Sitting in the waiting room for Santa, I think she is a little excited, lol!

Finally meeting Santa!!! Of course I have lots of photos of this meeting, but this is the photo I like the most! They had a nice long chat, which included Santa telling Aimee to leave an apple for Rudolph as all the carrots make his tummy sore!!! mmh I think Santa should not be breaking traditions!!!!!

I love her expression in this photo "Awwwh mum do you have to" lol

Back on the train home, Aimee didn't want to open her present, she wanted to keep it for Christmas day! But when she got home she asked " DO you really think its okay for me to open it, Santa said I could, didn't he?" I reassured her that indeed Santa said she could, as she had been a very good girl and this was just a little present for her! When she opened it, WOW her eyes popped as she had seen other girls open theirs and get this very pretty Forever Friends musical box, she was thrilled! The musical box is such a fab gift, usually the gifts are pretty naff, this was so pretty, it is pink, of course, and when you open it, it has a little forever friend bear twirling around, it even has a mirror and a little drawer!!! She also got a colouring book, crayons, a chocolate Santa pop, an apple and an orange!!!!

We arrived back to the train station at 4:50 pm!!!
I shall finish off by saying I am so glad I brought my little girl on this trip!!!!
If you made is this far, then you need a special gift from Santa too!!
Reminder to me!!!!
For my DDA book, steam on the way home!!!!