We were treated to a birds of prey demonstration, the children were allowed have a little owl land on their arms, and of course Aimee was the first to say she wanted ago, I swear that child has no fear!!!!! I thought the display was fantastic!!!!! Then we went and saw some more of the animals lots of chickens, rabbits, swans, ducks, geese, guinea pigs, budgies, pigs, cows, sheep, lambs, ducklings all the usual animals!
The children were also treated to bottle feeding the lambs!!!
Towards the end of the day, we decided to go back into the little animals, rabbits, guinea pigs, and rats, bad move, as Aimee stuck her finger into the cage and got bitten, (as I said she has no fear and she had gotten used to touching the other animals, even though she was told not to put her fingers in, more for the fact that I can't stand rats!!!) OMG the amount of blood that flowed from the cut was frightening, the staff managed to get the bleeding to stop and put a plaster on it. When we got home I brought her to A&E just in case and I wanted it checked out properly! She has been put on a course of penicillin for a week 4 times a day! Aimee was fine once the shock had worn off and the bleeding stopped at the hospital, were we spent over 2 in a half hours, she was brilliant let the nurse give it a good clean and put the plaster on. We have to go to the doctors in 3 days for them to remove the plaster and take a look at it!!!! and don't believe that she won't put her finger back in a cage, cause I can nearly grantee that she will. LOL
Even though she got bitten when she was asked she said she still loved the day and had a fantastic time!!! We all did!!!
Here are some of the photos I took!

The bite!!!!
TFL through all the photos!!!!!