This is just going to be a
journaling post, as I have projects on the go and finished ones, but I don't want anyone to see them, until they have received them!!! If that makes since!!!!
I did do my first on line shop at, I usually get
Dh to do all that for me!! scary!!!
LOLI ordered some K&CO ancestry papers and embellishments as I have been drooling over these since they came out, now all I have to do is wait!!!!
On Saturday we went on a photo shoot, that
Dh's brother and his wife gave us as a Christmas present ("Thanks AG" :(
lol). I hate having my photo taken, but I must say the photographer really put me at ease and I actually quite enjoyed it ...... the part where the girls got their photos taken on their own and
individually LOL. Unfortunately we will only be getting the "free" framed 7x5 photo that comes with the package as the prices start from around £300 for a couple of 4x4 inch photos in a frame!!!
Dh is going back to pick out the photo, cause it will break my heart to see all the fantastic photos I know he has taken!!! Seriously thinking of booking a proper photographer and getting him to do the same kind of shots, and then I could justify spending £300 on a full set of photos!!!
Why I haven't been on as late ..... everything went crazy here, Aimee is poorly again, another cold, so it's coughing and vomiting all night again, I don't know if I am coming or going sometimes!
I haven't been feeling too good, could be I am just tired!!!
Catching up on College work, still have lots to do!!!
Finishing off the
RAK's for the
ATC swaps, still have one more bit to included but I am so sorry I am housebound at the moment with Aimee feeling poorly so I can't get out to get it!!!!!The minute she is feeling better it's into the car with her and off I go!!!
Our washing machine broke down, so I have been doing trips to the laundrette until we can get a new one!!! Because I don't trust them with the delicate things, I am doing a lot of hand washing too!!!!!!
Arrrghhh, nothing seriously wrong Thank God, but just getting on top of me!!!!
I didn't even celebrate St Paddy's Day, due to been over tired, feeling yucky and looking after Aimee!!! Bad Irish girl, I am!!!!
I will be posting more regularly in the next few days, fingers crossed!!!!