Who could of believed it, snow this early!!!! It started snowing while I was at school on Friday 18th December, so I quickly snuck out and got this shot!!!
Then on Saturday it snowed some more, and the roads got dangerous! A few weeks ago, while it was icy, my car skidded on the ice, no damage and nothing done at all! But losing control of the car like that gave me a scare! So I didn't drive the car at all, so I missed out on some last minute shopping!

Again on Sunday more snow and the roads are even worse!!!
Got these lovely shots of Aimee! and a scenery shot! Again no shopping :(
Fingers crossed that it will be better in the next few days!!!!

Then on Saturday it snowed some more, and the roads got dangerous! A few weeks ago, while it was icy, my car skidded on the ice, no damage and nothing done at all! But losing control of the car like that gave me a scare! So I didn't drive the car at all, so I missed out on some last minute shopping!

Again on Sunday more snow and the roads are even worse!!!
Got these lovely shots of Aimee! and a scenery shot! Again no shopping :(
Fingers crossed that it will be better in the next few days!!!!