I made this book for my SIL, Ruth as they are expecting there 2ND baby at the start of January and know that the baby is a boy! I meant to have this book done for Christmas, but I totally ran out of time! Ruth eventually got it a couple of days later! Sorry!!!
I had a roll of Kraft paper (brown wrapping paper) left over from a different challenge, and thought to myself, I should be able to make a paper bag book out of this!!! WHAT WAS I THINKING!!!!! Yes it might of saved me money, but no it didn't save my sanity!!!!!
I cut 6 pieces of paper folded them with a lip and used my mini sewing machine, I'm not the best at sewing straight lines, but I think the wonky lines give a bit of character, I then hand stitched down the center to bind it together! After that it was just a case of doing the pages, which I shamefully copied Tracey's design on most of them using my own materials!!!
I left all the tags and pages title free for Ruth to add what ever she wanted to them!!! I think she liked it, and for a first effort I am proud of it!!!
Unfortunately for my relatives they will be receiving a Paper Bag book for presents this year! Hehehe!

If you want to see Tracey's fantastic original book click here!