Today the girls and I along with Ruth, Ben and Georgia went to Hull on a trip organised by the Extended Schools Organisation. I paid £17.50 for the 3 of us, which sounded expensive when paying, but after looking at the entry fees alone to The Deep, (£8.75 per adult and £6.75 per child) we got a fantastic bargain!
I am going to warn you now,
I HATE THE PHOTOS I TOOK TODAY, THEY ARE ALL NAFF!First of all, I couldn't use any flash in The Deep in case the fish got hurt (fair enough)
Then I had the wrong setting on the camera in the museum
and then I just didn't take any decent shots, (I am now crying in frustration).
I SO HATE DAYS LIKE THISI tried my best in photo shop, but I am still unhappy! I have put in some before and after shots!
The girls enjoyed going around The Deep using the interactive displays and looking of course at the fish! For the half term holiday they have put on a pirate theme, there was quiz papers available. On the paper along the left hand side was a column of skull and cross bones with a name of pirate wrote in them, you had to find an employee dressed up as a Pirate with the corresponding name and ask them the question there was about 10 questions we managed to find 5 pirates! It was fun!
Chloe asking a pirate!
When we got down further we found out that they were showing a 3D pirate film, they provided the glasses, the girls really enjoyed the film!!!
Then look who we spotted walking around
and he told a scary pirate story .... so we had story time with Captain Jack Sparrow .... okay so I can dream it was the REAL Captain Sparrow ... can't I????

before the edit

after the edit
Don't think Ben was too impressed

Ruth and Ben in Pirates corner
Before edit

After edit

Before edit

after edit

The girls meeting Captain Sparrow, and yes they knew who he was.
Some photos from around the displays
And these are some photos from around the Streetlife Museum of Transport, the girls actually had fun looking and going on some of the old modes of transport that were used!

Wonder what Ruth could be waiting for????

Find us Irish everywhere, lol ... well at least we knew where the money was!
Some photos of Aimee and Georgia playing in the leaves outside the museum, I was going to ask them to pose for shots, but they were having so much fun, I left them to it! Some of the shots are blurry but that's because they didn't stay still for a second!
When we were walking back to the bus along the quay we saw these two busts, we didn't see a plaque or anything nearby! I googled it tonight and found out the info on them ....
"In 1847, Captain John Parker brought an Eskimo couple from Cumberland Sound to the whaling port of Hull, England aboard his ship the 'Truelove.' Ostensibly brought to England to raise awareness of poor conditions in their homeland, the couple, Memiadluk and Uckaluk, were treated rather better than other such human zoo exhibits; Captain Parker placed them in the care of his ship's surgeon, who innoculated them for smallpox upon their arrival in England. Nonetheless, they were put on display in the Public Rooms beginning on 2 December, dressed in their sealskin clothes. They also appeared at the Mechanics Institute in Manchester, as well as at the lecture hall in Goodramgate, York
The casts of Memiadluk and Uckaluk shown above were made shortly before their departure. Just as the couple sailed from Stromness in 1848, there was an outbreak of measles on board the ship; Uckaluk died, but Memiadluk was nursed back to health, and returned to his home with a large pile of gifts from his hosts. " 
The girls sitting around the shark outside the deep!

Aimee and Georgia playing on the rocks.

Cute pic of Ben!

Why couldn't they be like this all the time?? Aimee and Georgia "asleep" on the way home.